Leading Consultants in Security Technologies
Medical Tourism for Cancer Patients
The top priority of the law enforcement and intelligence communities and homeland security department in the United States is counterterrorism because the descendants of al-Qaida, ISIS, and many other international terrorist organizations have unfortunately metastasized. I know we have Healthcare and Public Health Sector units within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). But it is important to note that for many years, cancer is a big threat to human health and its treatment is an immensely complex topic. Dr. Daniel Udo-Akang, an international investigator and homeland security expert considers POPULATION HEALTH as an important component of homeland security. He spent years researching cancer, people with cancer, various treatments options, and/or therapies. Using a popular African adage, “If you want to go fast, go alone but if you want to go far, go together”, Daniel interacted and networked across all orthodox medical practitioners (Conventional medicine) and unorthodox alternative medical practitioners. When orthodox medical treatment, especially for critical sicknesses like cancer gets to a point of trial and error, the life of the patient is at stake, which is exactly what is going on in various hospitals and orthodox cancer treatment centers. Many languages have been used to humiliate cancer patients, such as partial cancer remission and recurrence; genetically modified organisms (GMOs); – these are terrible ideas and as many have testified – the biggest concern is the uncertainty of the effect in the body. Orthodox medical professionals have misled their patients that Chemo, radiation, and surgery are their only hope for cancer survival after they have been diagnosed – patients do not understand the damaging implications of these treatment options.
But what is medicine? It is “the science and practice of establishing the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and prevention of disease… Medicine encompasses a variety of health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of illness.” Anything outside this definition is nothing but superficial crap…DON’T GO FOR IT.
Here’s the thing: sickness can only kill those who hide it. Cancer has quietly killed so many Americans. In his investigative adventure, Dr. Daniel Udo-Akang discovered a superb and reliable cancer treatment center in Africa and many Americans have benefited from this treatment option quietly. How does it work? You pay a token and the medication is delivered to you – you collect the alternative medication, administer it by yourself – fly back to the United States and go for a test after 30 days. Share the testimony privately with your family members. Even if your Doctor has written your Cancer condition off and/or you are scheduled to die in a month’s time – Take this MEDICAL TOURISM trip. Federal Security Services Group, USA will coordinate this trip for you. Please NOTE that our responsibility is ONLY to coordinator a safe Medical Tour for our clients: Manage your Hotel reservations and transportation and security throughout your Medical tour. We prefer clients who still have a window of 3 weeks or a month to live. Many Medical tourists have long travelled to obtain this proven treatment. We have a medical doctor whose cancer condition was “awaiting death.” Today, he is back to the United States practicing his profession – healthy and strong. Many testimonies. Do not die for lack of knowledge.
In the United States, medical tourism is broken into two distinct groups: Inbound and Outbound. With outbound medical tourism, American patients travel to another country to receive medical care. Inbound Medical tourists travel from other countries to receive health care services in the United States that they cannot get or have to wait too long to receive in their own country. There are many types of medical tourism for our outbound and inbound clients: Cancer treatment tourism, Dental tourism, Reproductive tourism, Transplant tourism, and Lifestyle tourism. For cancer treatment tourism in Africa, we do not charge our clients a dime until after treatment and recovery. Do not consider this a CLINICAL TRIAL. 100% Guaranteed Recovery.