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Coronavirus is a Bioweapon with many tentacles. Something that was rapidly put together by scientists and rich men of twisted morality in collaboration with international institutions, mindless terrorists who see pandemic killing as the principal agent of historical advancement and population reduction. On one side, many analysts refer to COVID-19 as an extension of the trade war between China and the United States. In the other side, it is referred to as an evil manipulation by the strong to humiliate or coerce the weak. It is a scientific jihad and a preparedness for the actual implementation of the “Universal Digital Identity Program” (UdIP), also known as ID2020: the proposed mandatory vaccination with implantable nano-size microchips or what many have seen as Quantum-dot-Tattoo digital certificate system funded by some multibillionaires: a way to reduce the population of the earth – what the Christendom considered to be an attempt to build “Lucifer Anti-Christ System” or the so called “Mark of Satan (MoS).” So many conspiracy theories: political, religious, and economic theories. But what is the truth? The medical practitioners embrace COVID-19 as an advantage for illicit medical billings in a huge fraudulent medical or healthcare industry. President Trump is struggling with all of those – scientific crooks, medical criminals, virus proliferators with their evil objective aimed at continuous interruption of the means of trade and the processes of production to destroy men and resources wholesale, to indirectly destroy the government, if you will, murder as a political practice to slowly terminate a government and to generate fear that would trigger the implementation of UdIP, the mandatory vaccination of the poor, the blind, the weak.
In 1850, U.S. President Millard Fillmore said, “The Constitution of the U.S. has made it the duty of the President to take care that the laws be faithfully executed…The law is the only sure protection of the weak and the only efficient restraint upon the strong…When impartially and faithfully administered, none is beneath its protection and none above its control.”
It is interesting to listen to Dr. Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx discuss the fight against COVID-19 even though all of them succeeded in taking American society to the highest level of negativity regarding Coronavirus and Vaccination, all in support of the BILLIONAIRES goal – to vaccinate American people and possibly the entire world, disregarding all National regulations on (a) human-medical experimentation, (b) country-to-country or people-to-people medical homogeneity or variability, (c) vaccine-reactogenicity across geographies and demographics or vaccine reactivity, (d) infected and uninfected population management, (e) protective responses, and (f) Coronavirus-related and non-coronavirus-related cases or deaths: just mandatory vaccination is the target.
Note: The author of this Investigation is a victim of Green Card Vaccination that destroys his body’s pigment-producing cells causing loss of skin color – kill melanocytes responsible for producing melanin for skin pigmentation. Vaccination has destroyed the lives of many children and adults. No Doctor, no scientist in the United States is able to address this medical issue, not one, not any.
U.S. President Roosevelt in 1933 said, “Only a foolish optimist can deny the dark realities of the moment.” President Trump is aware that CoronaVirus negative propaganda is driven by money over the lives of the people…he is aware of medical declaration of all sicknesses COVID-19-related. That is why U.S. Vice President Pence declared openly, “There isn’t a coronavirus second wave…” COVID-19 propagandists are satanic players in the push to make mandatory vaccinations a reality taking advantage of preexisting medical impropriety… American people cannot be ignorant of the fact that the healthcare industry in the United States is a 5-7 Trillion dollars business with the highest number of professional fraudsters across multiple, inefficient and cumbersome marketplaces. COVID-19 is just another marketplace within the industry, like many of them are currently saying, “this is our time to make it.” Many have earned billions already and some others are pushing for the continuity of Coronavirus cases, killing innocent people in the name of COVID-19, just to exacerbate the situation.
The United States of America is a country of tremendous power and knowledge. Many are asking, why would CoronaVirus, a bioweapon, overwhelm America’s long history of bioweapon readiness and preparedness? Where are the national strategies for Biodefense, strategies developed in President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, and President Trump administrations? Clearly, there was no practical preparedness to defend American people in case of bioweapon attacks.
It is not about blaming President Trump – I mean, for the past 20 years, there was nothing in terms of capability to counter bio-attacks against America and American people, not even ventilators or face shield or anything in that nature. If those things were in place prior to President Trump, does it mean the President refused to take advantage of them? In fact, there was no accountability mechanism. Probably, the policy was there but no policy articulation, no strategy implementation nor substantial compliance in public health. Although American people remained true to themselves, they were unaware that something was coming to strip them of all the safeguards of liberty and freedom.
Today, American people are afraid for their lives every minute, every hour of the day and night. They think that every food, every cup of water, every straw, plates, keys, stoves, papers, pen, spoons, pillows, dresses, chairs, bed, doors, cars, everything is virus-infected. They are afraid to touch their toothpastes and brushes, to enter the bushes or walk around trees, afraid of every path and footpath, every hole, every stick, every clip or needle and anything – the carts in the store, the commodities in the store, and indeed, many people are afraid to physically touch their currency. Fear has crippled American society. In fact, some people with minor flu or fever or body pain are paralyzed by the thought of Coronavirus. American people claim science is the direction they must follow. We have read about Abraham Lincoln who had reverence for God and His Word and regarded the Bible as the best gift God has given to man…” if the Almighty Ruler of Nations, with His eternal truth and justice, be on your side of the North, or on yours of the South, that truth and that justice will surely prevail by the judgment of this great tribunal of the American people.”
President Trump has struggled to bring back this faith and trust in God but people are calling him names. For example, my good friend, the Governor of New York recently said, “President Trump is facilitating the virus…he is enabling the virus.” That’s not true, the President is rather enabling American people to trust in God as Abraham Lincoln did. That is American value and American tradition and American culture. Yes, there is Coronavirus but it’s been negatively advanced by evil people. The President has no right to stop anyone from visiting the hospital even if your case is not COVID-19 related.
It was surprising that despite years of U.S. preparedness and deliberation that biological threats are among the most serious threats facing the country and the entire world, the United States was not practically prepared to manage the biological agent outbreak. The entire world expected a very unique U.S. reaction to Coronavirus – many countries were waiting to replicate U.S. approach. Unfortunately, the United States had just nothing in terms of strategy, capability, and/or methodology for dealing with outbreaks of disease or biological attacks. Indeed, U.S. knowledge was limited in terms of the ‘Geometry of COVID-19’ and the nature of associated spikes. Mask wearing and social distancing are just temporary bandage. The expectation of many people was that, after years of scientific research, the United States should have been able to build and maintain catalogs of all animals and catalog of all viruses that live in those animals, in addition to developing vaccines and treatment for those viruses that can hurt human.
How can a superpower shutdown government, shutdown industries, shutdown factories, create joblessness, create and escalate fear, because of pandemic in the 21st Century? Where is the technology? Where is the science? People like Dr. Fauci and Dr. Redfield were so proud to encourage people to stay at home and eat sand. Government continued to use tax payers money to pay these guys. Show me the brain, show me the wisdom, show me the smartness of American people. For generations, American people are known for doing something unique, something special, something to replicate…not fear. If appropriate preparedness, such as the use of Emergency Evacuation Ships or Isolation Ships and the Distribution of Earth Space Suits were put in place prior to President Trump administration, the idea of government lockdown or shutdown would not arise. Joblessness could have been avoided. Otherwise, tell us how Walmart and all the Grocery stores managed their customers and employees for the past many months of pandemic. How did they manage the traffic? Why do you think other jobs with less traffic would not succeed in similar fashion or even succeed better if Universal Space Suit Earth (USSE) was introduced in readiness for biological weapon attacks? Alternatively, how are the nurses and the physicians surviving with their jobs and with those traditional covers? So, why the lockdown and why the negative propaganda.
African spirituality is holistic and complex – In Africa, the trees can speak, the waters can speak, the sand can speak, and the dead can speak etc. That was why many African people laughed when Melinda Gates predicted coronavirus apocalypse in Africa. Mrs. Gates said, “When I saw what China had to do to isolate an enormous part of its population. My first thought was Africa. How in the world are they going to deal with this? It is going to be horrible in the developing world. Part of the reasons you are seeing the case numbers still do not look very bad is because they don’t have access to many tests. Look at what is happening in Ecuador, they are putting bodies out on the streets, you are going to see that in countries in Africa…I see dead bodies in the streets of Africa.” Apart from the Gates’s projections of mass deaths, total doom in Africa as a result of COVID-19, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) also stated, “Anywhere between 300,000 and 3.3 million African people could lose their lives as a direct result of COVID-19.”
Managing COVID-19. Public health and public safety are the work of the U.S. Homeland Security. Every American is convinced that their knowledge is very limited in Pandemic management.
Dr. Daniel Udo-Akang, PhD
International Investigator
Homeland Security/Intelligence Consultant
Founder: Africa Intelligence Agency
Email: Daniel.udoakang@federalssg.us